Version: 8.0.0
SimpleMine: Batch Download Essential Information for A List of Genes
Follow these steps to get information including gene identifier, description, disease association, expression, variants, Interaction and orthologs in other species.
Step 1: Select species of the genes that you will enter (Required)
"Any Species" search will return matches in all species with much longer time to load the results.
Caenorhabditis elegans
Danio rerio
Drosophila melanogaster
Homo sapiens
Mus musculus
Rattus norvegicus
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Xenopus laevis
Xenopus tropicalis
Any species (slow)
Step 2: Choose input/output format
case insensitive input
case sensitive input
display results in HTML format
download results as a tab-delimited file
Some data fields may contain too many contents to fit into a cell in Excel. To avoid Excel converting some gene names (such as mar-5 and oct -1) into dates, the cell format has to be 'text' rather than 'general'.
merge duplicate gene entries in results
keep duplicate gene entries in results
Step 3: Choose types of information to retrieve
Name Identifiers, Species, Description
Gene ID
Gene Symbol
Gene Name
UniProtKB ID
RefSeq ID
Experimental Results
Disease Association
Expression Location
Expression Stage
Genetic Interaction
Molecular/Physical Interaction
Homo sapiens Ortholog
Mus musculus Ortholog
Rattus norvegicus Ortholog
Danio rerio Ortholog
Drosophila melanogaster Ortholog
Caenorhabditis elegans Ortholog
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ortholog
Xenopus laevis Ortholog
Xenopus tropicalis Ortholog
Set All Checkboxes
Step 4: Query
Enter or upload a list of gene names here
(One gene per line, enter official MOD gene names or IDs, NCBI, UniProt, PANTHER or ENSEMBL IDs)
Select a species to enable this button
Upload a file with gene names :
Select a species to enable this button